漢德百科全書 | 汉德百科全书
Party and government
Institutions directly under the State Council
***Corruption Perceptions Index***Citizenship and Immigration Services*Think Tank*Political parties with more than a hundred years of history*President or Chairman*Regulatory AuthorityOffices under the ministries and commissionsWorking bodies of the State CouncilAsia-Pacific Economic Cooperation,APECAssociation of Southeast Asian Nations,ASEANBRICSFederal authorities GermanyFederal authorities AustriaFederal Ministry of AustriaOffice of the State CouncilChinese political partiesGerman political partiesEuropean Political Community SummitGroup of Seven,G7Group of the twenty most important industrial and emerging countriesInstitutions directly under the State CouncilInstitutions directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of ChinaInternational friendly partiesState government of GermanyMinistries and officesNational anthemUpper Federal Authorities GermanySupreme Federal Authorities GermanyAustrian political partiesSwiss political partiesSpecial body of the Council of StateInstitutions directly under the State CouncilCentral Military Commission
Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung des Staatsrats/Center for Development Research of the State Council
国务院发展研究中心,是中华人民共和国国务院负责政策研究和咨询的直属事业单位。 国务院发展研究中心目前是直属国务院的政策研究和咨询机构,主要负责研究中国国民经济、社会发展和改革开放中的全局性、战略性、前瞻性、长期性以及热点、难点问题,开展对重大政策的独立评估和客观解读,为中共中央、国务院提供政策建议和咨询意见。
Staatliche Verwaltungsakademie/China National School of Administration
中共中央党校/Zentrale Parteihochschule der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas/Central Party School of the Communist Party of China
Chinesische Akademie der Ingenieurwissenschaften/Chinese Academy of Engineering
Chinesische Akademie der Wissenschaften/Chinese Academy of Science
Chinesisches Amt für Meteorogie/China Meteorological Administration,CMA
Chinesische Akademie der Sozialwissenschaften / Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,CASS
Chinesische Kommission zur Regulierung des Bankenwesens / China Banking Regulatory Commission,CBRC
Chinesiche Kommission zur Regulierung des Wertpapiermarkts/China Securities Regulatory Commission,CSRC
China Media Group,CMG/ Zentraler Radio- und Fernsehsender/Central Radio and TV Station